Monaco in French Scientific and Cultural Life
Institute of Human Palaeontology

The Institute of Human Palaeontology, Prince Albert I of Monaco Foundation, is situated at 1, Rue René Panhard, in the 13tharrondissement of Paris. Established in 1910 by Prince Albert I of Monaco, This Institute marks a milestone in prehistoric science. Recognised by the President of the French Republic as being of public interest, the IPH was the first research centre devoted to the study of Fossil Man. Today, the Institute of Human Palaeontology undertakes research in the field and the laboratory to discover more about the history of Man and his evolution, with the permanent support of the Prince's Government. H.E. the Ambassador is President of the Board of Directors.
Oceanographic Institute

The Oceanographic Institute, Foundation Albert I, Prince of Monaco, is located at 195, Rue Saint-Jacques in Paris, in the 5th arrondissement. Established in 1910 by Prince Albert I, it was recognised as being of public interest in the same year. The objective of the Institute is to teach the sciences of the sea (oceanography, geography, geology, hydrology, marine biology, etc.) H.S.H. Prince Albert II is its Honorary President. Drawing upon His importance as a committed Head of State, he wished the Institute to act as a mediator between scientific experts, ocean conservation associations, business leaders and the media. This is the specific aim of the Monaco Blue Initiative to which he gave his backing in 2010.
The “Maison des Océans”, of which the Institute forms a part, regularly hosts international conferences where experts, business leaders and political decision-makers gather to discuss the major issues relating to the sustainable management of the oceans. It also brings together key players in environment and ocean protection, such as the Oceanographic Institute, the Prince Albert II Foundation, the IUCN, the Foundation for Research on Biodiversity, the Agency for Marine Protected Areas, and INDEMER.
Monaco Foundation

Monaco Foundation at the International University Campus in Paris, is a place for exchanging ideas. Situated between the Porte d'Orléans and the Porte de Gentilly in Paris, the CIUP has a 40-hectare park with 40 residence blocks within it, which represent different countries and architectural styles. The House of Monaco (Maison de Monaco) has 77 residential units. The six-storey building in dressed stone was designed by Monegasque architect Julien Médecin, who won an award at the 1925 Decorative Arts Exhibition.