The Embassy

The Embassy

Since 1984, the Embassy of Monaco has been located at 22 Boulevard Suchet, in the 16th arrondissement of Paris.

The building is a beautiful town house, previously occupied by engineer Marcel Dassault, who founded the Dassault Aviation group, before becoming the Syrian Embassy until 1980.

Monaco’s diplomatic representation comprises :

  • H.E. Ms. Valérie Bruell-Melchior, Accredited Ambassador
  • Mme Martine Garcia, Director of the Fondation de Monaco and First Secretary 
  • Ms Clotilde Ferry, Counsellor
  • Ms Sybille Projetti, First Secretary
  • Ms Alice Pastor, Second Secretary

Embassy of Monaco in France

Embassy of Monaco in France

S.A.S. le Prince Albert II de Monaco, à Sa gauche M. Christophe Steiner, Directeur de Cabinet de S.A.S. le Prince, à Sa droite le Pr. Gilles et Kepel, et Son Exc. Mme Valérie Bruell-Melchior, Ambassadeur de la Principauté de Monaco en France 
Embassy of Monaco in France 22 Bd Suchet, 75016 Paris
Bâtiment de l'Ambassade de Monaco en France
Perron de l'Ambassade
Fronton de l'Ambassade